Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Fairy Tale Castle

Torino photo of the Castle in the Valentino's Park. Snow White wasn't there but Blue Fairy was coming :-)

Torino foto del Castello del Valentino. Biancaneve non c'era ma stava arrivando la Fata Turchina :-)
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Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Lovely photo. It's definitely fit for a princess!
Duncan In Kuantan

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Wonderful image..

wilf said...

The castle is always a beautiful sight to look at, plus the snow, it is just magical, complimenti per la foto!

Allan Robert P. J. said...



Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

This photo appears to be from a fairy tale, with or without the characters... beautiful blues with contrasting castle.


Mike said...

It is a very nice winter scene.

Linda said...

Love the warm tones against the blue!

-K- said...

What a beautiful photograph.

It looks like it comes from another world.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Wow! Just a magic picture.
Castle in the Valentino's Park looks wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the light is magical!

Marisa said...

Gentile Fabrizio, sono rimasta incantata dalle meravigliose foto che ritraggono momenti magici nella "mia" Torino e per questo ho voluto lasciarti il mio personale riconoscimento qui "".

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Tisites Webmaster said...

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Wow! Just a magic picture.
Castle in the Valentino's Park looks wonderful. It looks like it comes from another world.