Torino photo of the Mole Antonelliana, symbol of the city, back to its origin (without the three color collar that was put on 17th March 2011 because the anniversary of 150 years since the Unification of Italy).
Torino foto della Mole Antonelliana, simbolo della città, tornata al suo aspetto originale (senza cioè il collare tricolore che le venne messo il 17 Marzo 2011 in occasione del 150° anniversario dell'Unificazione dell'Italia).
Wow, what a photo! The mountains look so huge and looming over the city.
Maybe the Mole will be dressed up again for the 200th anniversary? (If the world survives that long.)
Good words Dina: "If the world survives that long" but wrong. The exact sentence is: "If Italy survives that long." and I am not sure.
Valuable information about this city is presented. The photo is very amazing. If the city mole looks beautiful with the appearance of mountain.
Mi avrebbe piaciuto vedere le montagne in fondo ma quando sono stato (luglio 2013), la caligine estiva si stendeva sulla città e soltanto si vedeva la prima catena montuosa.
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