Torino piazza San Carlo. I love this photo since ever. There was a thick fog and the light was unbelievable strange and beautiful. The churches were lit by multi-colours Luci d'Artista. Only casually, at home, I noticed that couple in foreground… --- Please take a look here on what other CDP Members consider their best photo in the past.
Torino piazza San Carlo. Amo questa foto da sempre. C'era una spessa nebbia e la luce era incredibilmente strana e bella. Le chiese erano illuminate dai multi-colori di Luci d'Artista. Solo casualmente, a casa, mi accorsi della coppia in primo piano... --- Date un'occhiata qui a ciò che gli altri partecipanti considerano essere le loro migliori foto
Indeed, this is a wonderful photo. A dream-like scene.
I am so happy that you posted this wonderful photo for 2012. Bravo!! Happy New Year to you!
Wish you a very happy New Year. I can perfectly see why is your best picture. Awesome shot, congratulations!
What great colours and vibe.
oh this is a beautiful choice fabrizio!! we made it to 2013!! hope this year is wonderful for you!
Torino is strangely beautiful when it is foggy, this is a beautiful capture.
I'm glad you had to be the one to choose a best shot from your 2012 photos, because I certainly couldn't narrow it down to one. I can see why you love this one, Fabrizio. It is a once in a lifetime shot that can't be repeated. The fog, the figures moving, the amazing lighting, and you right there in the midst of it to capture it. Magical moment. Congrats! I look forward to your shots in 2013!
The colour makes it a friendly picture. May these cathedrals look over each step.
Please have you and yours a blessed new year.
great atmosphere !
I love the shadows in the picture. Great choice!
Really like a dream scene.
Wishing you colors, dreamy light, and full moons for your 2013 photography.
Oh, how lovely. Isn't it wonderful when you find something at home that you didn't notice when composing the photograph? Happy new year!
I agree with you - this is wonderful light. The people do add something that transforms it from wonderful to spectacular. Happy 2013!
Well, I have no more to add if not thank you. Thank you so much to each one of you and let me wish to you all, another time: Happy New Year !!!
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