Torino, photo of girls testing a new scent. Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre was not only a melting pot of different foods and people, as said, but also the opportunity to taste new different scents come from all over the world.
Torino foto di ragazze che provano nuove essenze. Salone del Gusto e Terra Madre non solo come felice insieme di cibi e genti ma anche il modo per provare profumi ed essenze provenienti da tutto il mondo.
Nice candid shot Fabrizio. Girls could spend all day trying out new scents!
It seems that the scent is on their taste. Good action photo.
Ahaha Duncan, you're absolutely right !!! And doesn't mind where they live. In the whole world they love the same things :-) Thank you for your visit
VDP, yes, absolutely and like said by Duncan above, girls could spend all day trying out new scents :-)
Nice click, really a amazing snapshot!!
Calvin Klein bottoms up
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