Torino, Piazza Vittorio the photo shows a lady that was promoting something concerned Chocolate. Plain chocolate or dark chocolate or black chocolate it's the best kind of chocolate from where get the best taste. Not less than 35% of cocoa and not less than 18% of cocoa butter but unfortunately European rules work against Italy because they don't want we write on labels "pure chocolate" as it is, because Italy DOESN'T USE vegetable fat and / or hydrogenated fats. So, we cannot label more "pure chocolate" BUT remember pure chocolate, in Europe, is ONLY Made in Italy. Don't forget it.
Torino, foto di una ragazza a CioccolaTò. Il cioccolato fondente, come NOI sappiamo è solo Made in Italy dove non vengono utilizzati grassi vegetali e / o idrogenati in luogo del burro di cacao.