Thursday, November 24, 2011


The photo shows a historic Tram (1950) that works only Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. It's the number 7 and run in a circular line through the centre of the city from where you can get an unusual view of Torino :-)

La foto mostra un Tram storico degli anni '50 operativo solo nei fine settimana e durante i festivi. E' il 7 e percorre una linea circolare attraverso il centro della città da cui si gode un panorama inusuale di Torino :-)


Leif Hagen said...

It would be fun to take a historic ride through town!
Thanksgiving regards from America, Fabrizio!

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

It is in fact Leif ! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving day too !!!!

Adrianne Molin said...

I love to try to ride that and take a tour. :D

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