Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dimissioni: Se non ora, quando ?

Another touching moment about the civil protest last Sunday in Torino. Today the judge ordered the Italian Prime Minister silvio berlusconi to stand trial on charges he paid for sex with a 17-year-old girl and then tried to cover it up. This means that there are sufficient evidences to subject him to an immediate trial, as has been requested by prosecutors. The trial is to begin April 6, and will be heard by a panel of three judges, all of them women.

Un altro toccante momento della manifestazione di Domenica scorsa a Torino. Oggi il Giudice per le Indagini Preliminari (GIP) ha disposto il giudizio immediato per concussione e prostituzione minorile a carico del Presidente del Consiglio.
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Dina said...

Yes, it was all over our TV news. It is, indeed, big news.

Gunn said...


Kate said...

I am amazed that this man is still in office!

Anonymous said...

I hope none of the judges were his favorites? He seems to have made a mess of his love triangle.

Linda said...

We are watching your news unfold and hoping for better times for Italy.

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Dear friends you all in different ways said almost the same things. I am also sure that what let you most speechless is the question: why italians stubborn continue to vote for him? Unfortunately it's easy to reply: ignorance...