Monday, February 22, 2010

Caffè al Bicerin

As promised this is how the Cafè looks inside. As you can notice it's very very small (I was on the door -open-), just 8 vey small round tables that can host 2 or three persons... Like each delicious you must suffer and to be able to wait to get it ;-) --- Soon the Bicerin !

Come promesso così è come il Caffè al Bicerin appare all'interno. Come potete notare è molto molto piccolo (io ero sulla porta -aperta-), appena 8 piccoli tavolini rotondi che ospitano al massimo tre persone... Come ogni delizia occorre soffrire ed esser capaci di attendere per ottenerlo ;-) --- Presto il Bicerin !
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lunarossa said...

Love the Bicerin (coffee shop and drink too of course!). Thanks for taking me "back Home" every time with your photos. Ciao. A.

Eleonora Baldwin said...

Wickedly making us wait for the delight til the end, eh?

Non credevo fosse così piccolo!

I imagine you're a cornmeal fan, so since I've updated the Polenta series, care to taste THREE more toppings?

E xx

Saretta said...

I want a bicerin, where is my bicerin? :-)

Anonymous said...

Bring it on!

Anna said...

Ma ci lasci solo la foto del bicerin o ce lo farai recapitare? ;-)
Uhmmm che buono il bicerin..!!!

Unknown said...

Oh, nostalgia! :)

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Grazie a tutti !!!

@hiker, come on. I'll wait *you* here !

@Eleonora, ehm... I'm afraid I'm not a typical Italian. I love in fact american coffee, noodles cooked as only in China they are able and, sorry, no, I don't like Polenta :-(

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Grazie a tutti !!!

@hiker, come on. I'll wait *you* here !

@Eleonora, ehm... I'm afraid I'm not a typical Italian. I love in fact american coffee, noodles cooked as only in China they are able and, sorry, no, I don't like Polenta :-(