Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blue in the rain

Blue in the rain in via Po :-)

Pioggia nel blu in via Po :-)
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Anonymous said...

Ah, your famous blue.

Chuck Pefley said...

We've been having our share of rain, too. Lovely image, Fabrizio!

Virginia said...

You make a rainy night seem oh so romantic! Lovely lovely.

Anil P said...

Blue in the lights, wet and shimmering. Such nights must hold a promise.

Lucia said...

this photo squeezed at my heart!

-K- said...

There's something so evocative about the reflection of rain on a road at night.

[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Definitely, rain emphasizes the beauty of a city.

Saretta said...

I see it's raining at your end of the peninsula, too!

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

I'm happy you loved it. Thank you very much my friends !