Thursday, September 10, 2009

Corso Re Umberto

As promised: some details. If you enlarge the photo (just click on it) you will see a magnificent pattern around and over each window or balcony...

Come promesso: alcuni dettagli. Ingrandendo la foto (è sufficiente cliccare su di essa) vedrete un ornamento fantastico sopra ogni finestra e balcone...
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Saretta said...

What a fine old building!

Jilly said...

Amazing details when you enlarge the photo. The flower decoration being different over each window. What a beautiful building.

Unknown said...

Please tell us the address of this beautiful building. I would love to see it in person someday.

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Denise, it's in Torino (of course) Corso Re Umberto, 63