Saturday, September 12, 2009


Children are canoeing on PO river, the river that run all along Torino. --- Happy week end to everyone !

Ragazzini in canoa sul PO, il fiume che corre lungo la città. --- Buon Fine Settimana a tutti !
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Sally said...

That's an idyllic view.

Kalee said...

What a beautiful perspective.

mikeacoyle said...

There always seem to be canoes on the river, even very early in the morning, before 7am!
Fantastic photo.
Buon weekend.

Fio said...

Bella foto, la ricreazione estiva, ma gia' si sente l'autunno nell'aria...

Anonymous said...

Paradise. Or is it paradiso?

Linda said...

It's lovely when a river running through a city becomes a playground.

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Thank you to everybody !