This is one side of Piazza Carlo Felice. It's a wide beautiful square in front of the main railways station of Torino called Porta Nuova = another Art Nouveau excellent piece (more to come about it).
Questo è un lato di Piazza Carlo Felice. E' una vasta e bella piazza di fronte alla stazione ferroviaria principale di Torino: Porta Nuova = un altro eccellente pezzo costruito in stile Liberty (pubblichero altre fotografie della stazione)

Rambling Round owner of "Selma, Alabama DP" and Pat owner of "Guelph DP" awarded me about the "You Make My Day Award" for bloggers. Thank you very much Rambling and Pat !!!
"The award rules say: "Give the award to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times."
Sssooo the winners are:
Karola&Pamp - Wroclaw because I love their city and their photos (original uh?)
Kate - Mazatlàn (and Visual St.Paul) and...
... Jilly - Menton (and Montecarlo) because they are so cheerful
Gwen - Miami and...
...Bluechic - Chicago because art is the predominant of their blogs
Ming - New York and...
...Eliane - New York because they live in the most crazy city in the world and are so friendly
Richard - Zurich because each his photo is a piece of art
Isabella - Naples (FL) because she's likeable
Sally - Sydney because she is a friend and I love her way to do things with passion.
Thank you very much, Fabrizio, for the award--it's a very grand honor to be chosen--you are so kind and generous
many many thanks again...
and of course, thank you for this elegant photo of the Piazza Carlo Felice...
Mille grazie, fabrizio - you are a real friend too!
Thanks Fabrizio, for the award, but nore for all your visits, comments and compliments - and especially for your beautiful views of Torino. I would give you one back, but I think your trophy cabinet will collapse!
Per scattare questa foto ti sei fermato all'altezza del Jolly Hotel Liguere. Quanti ricordi...miei, ma anche di altri torinesi. Sai che Buscaglione ha suonato anche lì?
Dalla parte opposta invece, proprio sull'angolo una volta c'erano dei tizi che giocavano (ed invitavano a giocare, soprattutto!) alle tre carte. Pensa te... non so se ci sono ancora.
Ha del fascino questa piazza... a me piaceva svoltare in piazza Lagrange, dove davanti al grande magazzino tecnologico (Marvin) c'è un caffè che sembra una bomboniera. Se ti capita facci un salto e dedicami un buon cappuccino torinese ;-)
This is a breath taking pic of the Piazza. You have caught the light just right and the reflection off the surface of the road is fantastic. Thanks for the links to the great blogs. These all deserve the award.
Congratulations Fabrizio on your receiving the award, and many thanks for awarding it to me. I feel honored, that it is from you, whose photography is always impressive and inspiring!! Very beautiful piazza with what looks to be another elegant arcade walkway and architectural surround.
Love the wet cobblestones - is it raining in Torino?
Thanks for the award, Fabrizio! You are very likeable, too ;-)
Beautiful light & the composition is just right! I love the archways in your city.
Thank you very much for the nice award!! I love your photos too.
Any time I have a chance to sit down and look at everyone's photos, I find yours to be one of the most impressive.
Aww, that is so sweet. Grazzie mille!!! :)
I agree with Ming. And that's not because he's from New York!
Thanks so much Fabrizio - really so happy to be included in your choices. You'll see I've added your name to both blogs. Ciao!
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