Saturday afternoon in August. These two ladies in a café are talking while all around is quiet and silent. The city is quite empty, most went to holiday. To choose to visit Torino in August it's the the most right choice a tourist can do !!!
Sabato pomeriggio in Agosto. Queste due ragazze stanno parlando tra loro mentre tutt'attorno vige il silenzio e la quiete. La città è pressoché deserta, i più sono in vacanza. Scegliere do visitare Torino durante il mese di Agosto è la miglior scelta che un turista può compiere !!!
A very pretty street scene, Fabrizio. Interesting glass design for the windows.
Nice composition.
Visit Torino in August, I'll keep it in mind.:)
The other day I stopped by your old personal blog and found you travelled to China. You seem to have really enjoyed the trip.
Agree with Nikon. The design of the windows is interesting. Nice shot.
Looks like a beautiful day surrounded by beautiful architecture.
I'm sure there are no shortage of beauties in Italy!
Madison Daily Photo is up & running again after a 2 week break - hope to 'see' you there!
Looks a very agreeable place!
Have a nice week ahead!
Beautiful scenery!! :-)
I thought, that crowds of tourists are lat summer in italy.
Can't think of a more inviting place to sit and chat with a friend or two.
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