Sunday, March 11, 2007


Mao. This is the name of my super cuddling kitty. Well today it's Sunday so nothing better that to fall asleep with cat around watching some boring film :-)

Mao. Questo è il nome del mio super coccoloso micio. Bene oggi è Domenica per cui nulla è meglio che addormentarsi col gatto attorno guardando qualche noioso film :-)
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Blamey said...

Sounds like a great day - nice cat

Pat said...

What a lovely cat! They sure know how to relax!

Pat's Photos and
Guelph Daily Photo

Jilly said...

Absolutely! Sunday, curl up with the cat and a Sunday newspaper. Lovely photo.

Jilly x

Z said...

I love the black footpads. We used to have a black cat, Otello, but he succumbed to kidney failure. Now, we have two tabbies.

I thought of a cat post today as well, but then the blue sky just pulled me out of bed and pushed me out the door. So, I got some flowers for Eric. :-)

Nathalie H.D. said...

I'm not a cat person but your photo is very very nice

Anonymous said...

You both perhaps need just that
today :)

blueboat said...

what a gorgeous moggy!

Oya said...

Looks like she is enjoying her Sunday too....

Kerry-Anne said...

What a beautiful cat - looks so soft and cuddly.