dal 2007
Simply stunning!
This is another photo that should be enlarged to be fully appreciated. It is truly magnificent!
Fabrizio,May I one day get to visit your beautiful city and have you as my guide and photography friend. My oh my this is breathtaking.V
What a splendid building!My camera is still in the repair shop, but I'm using my son's point-and-shoot Canon. I am also using patience!!
I can here the echos now.
Outstanding photo!
Lucky you getting onto the stage. What a stunning ceiling, what a shot. How awe inspiring it must be to be a performer on this stage. I can hear it now - lights, applause!
what a beautiful view of the theater, awesome!
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Simply stunning!
This is another photo that should be enlarged to be fully appreciated. It is truly magnificent!
May I one day get to visit your beautiful city and have you as my guide and photography friend. My oh my this is breathtaking.
What a splendid building!
My camera is still in the repair shop, but I'm using my son's point-and-shoot Canon. I am also using patience!!
I can here the echos now.
Outstanding photo!
Lucky you getting onto the stage. What a stunning ceiling, what a shot. How awe inspiring it must be to be a performer on this stage. I can hear it now - lights, applause!
what a beautiful view of the theater, awesome!
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