Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chiesa di San Domenico

San Domenico's Church was built between 1300 and 1400 (late Middle Ages) in Gothic style and it has been revised many times. Personally I've ever seen a Romanesque imprint too... By the way each time I pass there (via Milano corner via San Domenico) I can feel the "history wind" :-)

La Chiesa di San Domenico venne costruita tra il XIV-XV secolo (tardo Medioevo) in stile gotico. Ha subito notevoli rimaggiamenti e personalmente vi ho sempre scorto un'impronta dello stile Romanico... In ogni caso, ogni volta che passo là (via Milano angolo via San Domenico) posso avvertire il "vento della storia" :-)
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Virginia said...

I can't imagine living somewhere you can feel the "history wind" so often and experience the beauty. Thank you for sharing with us.

Rosaria Williams said...

It is definitely not Disneyland.

Hilda said...

I like the simplicity of this church. The facade alone makes one feel calmer and more grounded.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I feel the history wind when visiting blogs. It must be wonderful to have so much around you.

Kate said...

How does it feel being surrounded by so much antiquity?