Happy New Year
Felice Anno Nuovo
Bonne Année
Gutes Neues Jahr
Feliz Año Nuevo
Feliz Ano Novo
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С новым годом
Szczęśliwego nowego roku
Fabrizio and Torino
Felice Anno Nuovo
Bonne Année
Gutes Neues Jahr
Feliz Año Nuevo
Feliz Ano Novo
καλ χρονιά
새해 복 많이 받으세요
С новым годом
Szczęśliwego nowego roku
Fabrizio and Torino
Oh I get to be the first to say what a breathtaking photograph this is Fabrizio! The mountains are simply wonderful and the way the photograph is framed...just a wonderful New Year's wish! Grazie
Same for you as well my friend.
Simply stunning. The light blows me away. Happy New year to you and yours from St. Louis.
That's a spectacular view. How did you do it? Have you cropped a photo showing more of the church and the city, or are you standing at a point higher than the church?
Happy New Year!
Bellissima foto! auguri di cuore a te!
Feliz Ano Nuevo!!!! mucha suerte por tu!!
Absolutely gorgeous!
Happy New Year, Fabrizio! Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous 2009.
Truly beautiful! Wish you a happy new year!!
I hope you don't mind me taking the easy route by copying and pasting this comment, it is by far the easiest method of getting my message to so many CDP photobloggers.
I am not sure that I can sustain South Shields Daily Photo much longer, it is so difficult to keep finding new material on a daily basis,
and after more than two years inspiration and motivation are becoming harder to find, so I may become less daily from time to time.
I hope you can find new hope and inspiration, and that a new start in 2009 brings everything that you desire.
The CDP photoblogging community has grown massively over the past year and I'd like to thank those who have visited South Shields Daily Photo, especially those who have been kind enough to leave a comment or two.
Best wishes for 2008
South Shields Daily Photo
Stupenda interpretazione, sei proprio bravo a fare queste foto serali.
Ti auguro un sereno 2009.
... WOW...
Fabrizio, such an impressive photo! Just amazing!
Happy New Year to you and your family and I wish all the best for you in 2009!!!
Hi Fabrizio, really it is impossible to comment on this one. Words... You know what I mean.
I will be back to admire this one several times. My warm compliments and thanks.
Have a wonderful New Year's Eve!
Ciao Fabrizio,
ti auguro un felice
Anno Nuovo...
Buon Anno a tutti quanti :-)
A presto Graziella (Pi.Gra)
Questa è SPETTACOLARE! Grazie e auguri anche a te...
Bravissimo, Fabrizio, spendida foto come sempre. Hai mai pensato di pubblicare un libro di foto? Magari prendendo spunto da questo tuo blog? Auguro il meglio di tutto nel 2009 a te e alla tua famiglia. Cari saluti da Antonella
Absolutely beautiful. Happy New Year.
felice anno nuovo a te...still 08 here but 09 for you!!
breathtaking photo...
This is truly magnificent! Happy New Year!
I'm speechless - it is so beautiful. Wishing you a very Happy New Year. Sretna Nova Godina.
Hi Fabrizio, with this shot you have exceeded yourself! Congrats.
Ciao, Davide.
P.S.: I've added TDP in the suggested link of my site.
happy new year, amazing photo!!
Anche se in ritardo tanti auguri di buon annno anche a te! Questa foto mi piace molto. A presto
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