Monday, August 18, 2008

At Ferragosto

In Piazza Vittorio, side Caffetteria Clarissa taken on 14th of August when Torino it's quite empty except tourists, old ladies with their pets and who takes this photo...

In Piazza Vittorio, lato Caffetteria Clarissa presa il 14 di Agosto quando Torino è pressoché deserta eccetto i turisti, le signore anziane coi loro cagnolini e chi scatta la foto...
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Virginia said...

I am assuming you had to get on the ground for this shot. Bravo! Love this perspective. Not one that I do often because getting back up is not as graceful as it once was. By the way, if it's just you, the old ladies, and the tourists, where is everyone else??

buИCiA said...

ah, torino d'agosto! so beautiful! ancora qualche giorno di possibilità per poterne assaporare il gusto...

Anonymous said...

Vivere Torino d'agosto è un privilegio.

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Virginia, I must admit a trick I *put* the camera on the ground, not me ;-) --- Everyone else is in holiday. In Italy in August usually companies close for a month or so and people go in holiday (altogether). It's a bad habit but this is. Lately someone employed in public services (working all the year) started to get holiday in July but they are a minority

Buncia e Massim. ... A chi lo dite !!!

Anonymous said...

Ma non è bellissimo quando la città si svuota? E' un po ' come il mare d'inverno: un lusso che non tutti comprendono.