Thursday, March 6, 2008

At the other side

At the other side of Vittorio Emanuele I's bridge there is Gran Madre di Dio's church...

All'altro capo del ponte Vittorio Emanuele I, c'è la chiesa della Gran Madre di Dio...
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albi(francesca perani) said...

meravigiosamente dinamica!

Keith said...

I like this one a lot
Torino is such a great city for the photographer I'll have to add it to my wish list if I ever get over to Europe (my wife says it will happen as her sister lives on the Island of Procida off Naples and she keeps visiting us)

Anonymous said...

I like the subtle coloring of this photo. And the church in the distance is nice.

b.c. said...

this is such a beautiful shot--i like the mood and the feeling in this photo very much

Nikon said...

I like your b&w shots and the perspective on this one is excellent. Great angles.

Anonymous said...

Really like this photo. Very moody.

buИCiA said...

Il fondo nn è nitido. Eppure, nn so come, è una nebbia che rassicura. E' una nebbia conosciuta.

Bursa Daily Photo said...

mi piace questa foto...veramente bella...un grigio che ti fa sognare..

Anonymous said...

Fabrizio, I was standing on the same spot several years ago, similar fog hovering over Torino. Thank you for bringing back the memories :)

Anonymous said...

Ahh - great perspective, and nice delicate details with the lamps. Needs to be seen at the big size. Sorry I haven't visited in a while Fabrizio - maybe I see a change in photo subjects recently. I particularly liked the foggy lamppost on 1st March