Sunday, April 22, 2007

Chiesa di Santa Rita da Cascia

This is one on several churches in Torino. It's quite popular and in May (22nd) they sell red roses because "the rose" is Saint Rita flower. I personally don't like this church because of so big bell tower and the church seems to be built around.

Questa è una delle molte chiese in Torino. E' piuttosto conosciuta e nel mese di maggio (il 22) viene venduta una rosa rossa perché "la rosa" è il fiore di Santa Rita. A me peronalmente non piace molto questa chiesa per via del suo immenso campanile attorno al quale sembra che la chiesa sia stata costruita.
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Kate said...

Fabrizio, Interesting that you shot this church because last night I an mi esposo went to a neighboring college campus to take photos of a lighted church on the grounds, which are quite beautiful. My photo is not as nice as yours, but I will post it in a few days. Happy sunday to you!

Bob Crowe said...

Fabrizio - I see your point. If you squint, this could look like a military aircraft on the tarmac at night, seen from above.

Wouldn't it be nice if photographers could waive their lenses and get rid of unwanted street lights and electric wires?


St. Louis Missouri Daily Photo Blog

isa said...

I see what you mean - the tower overpowers the rest of the church. Still, it is a very impressive sight...

Nikon said...

Yes, Fabrizio, it is still a great night shot :)

Nazzareno said...

Condivido le tue considerazioni sulla chiesa, ma forse proprio la caratteristica del grande campanile
la rende unica, o forse è la suggestione della tua bella foto che mi fa vedere le cose in questo modo.

Kalyan Panja said...

Wonderful night shot!

Anonymous said...

This is another great night shot Fabrizio - somehow or other I think the lights at the right make it better

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is "diferente". But the photo is nice.


Ming the Merciless said...

Very nice photo. I love the environment because the lighted building is so much clearer.

Susan said...

The buildings in this and the previous post are so well lit, they make wonderful subjects of night photography.

edwin s said...

Ooh, stunning night shot. So crisp and clear.

angela said...

Very nice photo though I see what you mean about the church which is badly proportioned. Still I think it probably looks better at night.

Oya said...

I still think, it is a beatiful photo...

Nathalie H.D. said...


lv2scpbk said...

I love how you captured the light on this church. What a great photo.

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Strangetastes, I like your point of view

To everyone thank you so much about interesting opinions and nice compliments.

Lan said...

Looking at your photo makes me want to return and live in Europe. I lived in Paris for 6 years, traveled throughout Europe and now miss Europe in a big way. Especially here in Miami. Did you see a picture of one church in Miami in one of my blog on daily photo? Pathetic! And they all pretty much look the same. Sigh! Only consolation is the eternal blue sky.