Tuesday, February 13, 2007

1 River, 1 Bridge and 2 Churches

On first sight in a foggy sunset: river PO, the most long Italian river (652 Km), the bridge called in name of King Vittorio Emanuele I (1759 - 1824), the first church at right (we can see the roof) is Great Mother of God and far on the top of the hill: Basilica of Superga.

Un fiume, un ponte e due chiese. In primo piano in una serata al tramonto con una leggera foschia: il fiume PO, il fiume più lungo d'Italia (652 Km), il ponte in nome al Re Vittorio Emanuele I (1759 - 1824), la prima chiesa sulla destra (si vede il tetto) è la Chiesa Gran Madre di Dio e in distanza in cima alla collina: la Basilica di Superga.
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Anonymous said...

Love the colors and the reflections in the water. Great shot.

Kate said...

I haven't had the courage to try night shots yet. Yours are lovely!!

JaamZIN said...

I never seen the river PO but I heard a lot about it:) Thank you for posting this

Deb said...

the lights and reflections beneath the bridge are magnificent. we have a similar bridge in Minneapolis.

Anonymous said...

Hi Fabrizio,

you have some great pictures here, especially your night time shots.

Keep it up!


Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Thank you so much to everyone about your comments.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Amazing photo, Fabrizio! Well done!