Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Melancholy amusements

I was driving when I passed beside this sad amusement. I stop and taking the photo I noticed that only one kid was on. Autumn and drizzly days don't help but I some way I was drawn by this scenery.

Stavo guidando quando son passato accanto a questa giostra. Mi son fermato e scattando la foto ho notato che c'era solo un bambino sopra. L'Autunno e il tempo piovigginoso non aiutano ma in qualche modo son rimasto attratto da questa immagine.
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  1. Sweet melancholy...
    Bellissima questa foto

    Sei passato al blog di cucina a leggere la storia della mia nonna Piemontese?
    Aglio, Olio & Peperoncino


  2. It is rather sad, but it fits with the weather of the day. Pretty shot.

  3. Thank you so much Randy !

    Grazie Eleonora, sì, come avrai visto son passato e ho letto ;-)

    Yes Terry, I agree. "It fits woth the weather" as you wonderfully say! Thank you so much !

  4. has great feeling- good shot

    Lloyd Devixco


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