Saturday, November 6, 2010

Luci d'Artista 2010 - Palomar

Ok, Torino Daily Photo and I proudly introduce you to the 2010 Contemporary Art and Luci d'Artista event. HERE (<-- in English) you will find more details about the event that will finish on 16th of January but Luci d'Artista will lit up again on 17th of March through all Spring and June in honour of the Celebrations for the 150th Anniversary of Italy's Unification.

Ok, Torino Daily Photo e io presentiamo con orgoglio la rassegna Luci d'Artista 2010 in seno a Contemporary Art Torino. QUI (<-- in Italiano) si possono trovare maggiori dettagli sulla rassegna che terminerà il prossimo 16 Gennaio ma Luci d'Artista torneranno a illuminare le notti torinesi dal 17 Marzo sino a tutto Giugno in onore delle Celebrazioni per i 150 anni dell'Unità d'Italia.

Luci d'Artista @ via Po

Giulio Paolini - Palomar
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  1. I like the photo shot in your car mirror! Fun perspective!

  2. Love the photo, FAbrizio. Sure this will be a wonderful event.

  3. This photograph took my breath away!
    Mi manca le luce di Torino!

  4. So many really nice things about this photo but I especially like how you got the twinkling lights centered within the narrowing perspective of the buildings.

  5. Thank you very much Leif !

    It is Jilly... A good idea to plan to come to Torino next Spring :-)

    Rebecca, what I suggested to Jilly (above) it's for you too :-))

    -K-, as a professional photographer as you are you noticed exactly the point. Thank you *so much*


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