Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Museo Nazionale del Cinema

Happy Birthday National Museum of Cinema. It was born in fact 10 years ago. With 65 Exhibitions and more than 4.5 millions of visitors (523,000 just last year) it's one of the most visited Museum in Torino and in Italy. The photo shows the parterre and two of 5 floors. Who visits it says it's an experience just unique... Here the link to the site.

Buon Compleanno Museo Nazionale del Cinema nato 10 anni or sono. Con 65 mostre e più di 4,5 milioni di visitatori (di cui 523.000 solo lo scorso anno) è uno dei Musei più visitato a Torino e in Italia. La foto mostra il parterre e i primi due dei cinque piani. Chi lo visita dice che è un'esperienza unica... Qui il collegamento al sito.
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  1. I just happened to learn of this museum very recently and, voila, here it is on Torino Daily Photo! It's a wonderful shot; gives me a sense of all the activity there. Being a film buff it looks like a lot of fun.

  2. Looks like a fun place. How are you my friend? Sorry I"ve not been around. Had a jaunt to Paris last month and now I"m home. SIGH!

  3. Ah happy memories of the Mole, Fabrizio. Graet place.

  4. @Ann, honestly Egyptian museum and Cinema National but I should say International) museum are two good reason to plana trip to Torino :-)

    @Virginia, another time you come to Paris consider that Torino is nearer to Paris than Orlando to Birmingham.......

    @Jilly, you're right and I ever hope you will come back one day :-)


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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