Thursday, October 1, 2009

Road Sign

Took from my car, it seems it says to that small, nice Ford Ka: "I told you: that way !!!" :-)

Scattata dalla mia auto sembra dica alla piccola, graziosa Ford Ka: "Te l'avevo detto: per di là !!!" :-)
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  1. Oh my goodness, looks like the sign is hitting the Ka.

  2. Forse voleva dire al proprietario della Ford: “Meglio comprare una Fiat!”

  3. Potrei fare una pubblicita' eccentrica!
    "Ka - senso unico" - che ne pensi?

  4. That car is mine. I didn't see the sign because I was too busy eating ... chocolate!

  5. Bad parking, bad punishment. If I were the car's owner I would have had a fit! Ciao. A.

  6. haha... too funny!!! I feel bad the car's owner, though :-P


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