Wednesday, July 1, 2009

National Cinema Museum

At the end of the tour in the Temple hall there are several chaise longues. People lay out there and watch on two screens two different short films that are composed by different pieces of movies (audio come out from headrest). A sort of mixture able to show in few minutes the history of world cinema.

Al termine della visita nell'aula del Tempio, dove ci sono diverse chaise longues su cui i visitatori si distendono per guardare su due schermi diversi due brevi filmati (ascoltando l'audio dal poggiatesta). Una sorta di collage capace di condensae in pchi mnuti la storia mondiale del cinema.
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  1. I remember all this as we went up in the lift! Fabulous.

  2. Perfect choice for and empty photo ... like the birdseye view!

  3. If there is a film that can show the history of world cinema in just a few minutes, that's a film I have to see.

  4. Jilly, Chuck and Karin... You are very welcome !

  5. Fabrizio! Where did everyone go? It looks soooo EMPTY there! Nice theme day photo. Grazie mille
    Regards from EAGAN daily photo in Minnesota, USA

  6. The chairs are brilliant, very appropriate ones for watching a film!

  7. Ricordo bene la mia visita al museo del cinema nella Mole. Veramente spettacolare e da quelle chaise longues non mi sarei mai alzata... Il museo merita veramente: e' una visita che consiglio, anche a chi -come me- non fosse un particolare fan del cinema.
    Grazie Fabrizio per aver fatto riaffiorare questi ricordi.


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