Monday, June 29, 2009

Museo del Cinema

This is almost the path (seen outside) that run all around perimeter of Mole (like Guggenheim in NYC where you walk around from top to bottom down) . Those pictures you see are referred to a temporary exhibition. Single small stages that altogether make the history of Cinema are just back the pictures.

Questo è all'incirca il percorso (visto dal d fuori) che corre attorno al perimetro della Mole (come il Museo Guggenheim a Ney York dove si cammina dalla cima verso il terreno). I quadri che si vedono concernono una mostra tempoanea. Piccoli antri che messi l'uno accanto all'altro fanno la storia del Cinema, sono giusto dietro i quadri.
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  1. You have shown an interesting angle of an interesting building. It takes enlargement and concentration to appreciate the detail in your photo.

  2. In short - for this and the previous pics, you are a molecatcher ;-)

    I like the Mole as much as the Lingotto and... the Balùn.

  3. The architecture is absolutely amazing! My husband would surely love the exhibits.

  4. Hello Fabrizio,
    I will start may photo blog again on July 12. Face book is still banned here in Iran.
    all of us are safe.

    Greetings from Mashhad- Iran

  5. You're making me dizzy with the angles in these past two photos!

  6. I do like this angle. It makes me dizzy but I like the feeling.

  7. I hope you all will excuse me if tonight I am going to reply to Sarah only.

    Dear Sarah, your message make my day and overall relief me (us) from pain not having your news since a while. Please *keep safe* ! I understand your passion and what you all are needing more right now but please: *keep you all safe*. Time, will recognize you what you deserve and we definitely hope for you.


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