Sunday, March 1, 2009

Theme day Glass

Palazzo Madama designed and never finished by Filippo Juvarra. Heart of the city in Piazza Castello. Wonderful light, especially at sunset, from thousand... glasses ! --- Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
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  1. I love the time of day you chose! This looks like a splendid place.

  2. This is magnificent!! Awesome choice for Theme Day!

  3. Light is so important to a photo ... happy theme day.

  4. What a stunning room..I love the sun shining through onto the far wall..

  5. The light and shadows and all that extravagant glass make for a beautiful shot. Nice choice for today.

  6. Stunning building, gorgeous windows, fabulous floor, wonderful photograph. What more is there to say. Light, shadows, wonderful. Happy Theme Day, Fabrizio.

  7. That warm light with the shadows is so inviting. I can see why you like this room with its thousands of lights (window panes). With a home that intricately detailed I can see how it might not have gotten finished.
    Hope you have a lovely Sunday, Fabrizio.
    Seattle Daily Photo

  8. Beautiful Fabrizio! Happy theme day :)

  9. This is a great room. It reminds me of the Hall of Mirrors at Verseilles.

  10. Dave-CRDP, I seem to follow you around the blogosphere agreeing with you! It reminded me of the Hall of Mirrors, too. With a difference, though - this room is magnificent, and the story of the palazzo being unfinished lends a certain romance.

  11. Such a beautiful room! What is this palazzo used for now?

  12. Wonderful light falling onto those beautiful creme colours. Great photo!

  13. Wonderful! Great photo for the Theme Day!

  14. La luce รจ semplicemente fantastica!

  15. Of course it is a wonderful image with the light streaming through the great expanse of beautiful glass.

  16. Thank you so much. As usual, I will thank each of you on your blog along this week.

    I am going to reply to Lavinka and Saretta with he new photo of Palazzo Madama (= March 3rd)

  17. I'm curious; why wasn't it finished? The light on the marble floor makes it shine like glass!

  18. How beautiful and of course you captured it so well as always. The windows are spectacular but I also am drawn to the marble floors!

  19. What a splendid place!

    Greetings to you from Jerusalem.


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