Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Palazzo Madama

This is the "Senate Hall" of Palazzo Madama (<-- in English) just *behind* stairs (see March 1st, photo). In other words the "theme day" photo doesn't show a... Hall but just where stairs end at first floor (see Map). In this photo pianist Giovanni Allevi was preparing a concert for a private event. Actually Palazzo Madama host many exhibitions and it's a permament, beautiful, museum of Baroque. As you can see some hall may be rent.

Questa è la "Sala del Senato" di Palazzo Madama appena alle spalle delle scale di cui alla foto dello scorso 1° Marzo. In altre parole la foto del tema del giorno non mostra un... Salone ma giusto dove le scale arrivano al primo piano (cfr. Mappa). In questa foto il pianista Giovanni Allevi mentre prepara un concerto per un evento privato. Attualmente Palazzo Madama ospita molte rassegne ed è un bellissimo museo dell'arte barocca. Come si deduce dalla foto odierna talune sale possono altresì venire affittate.
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  1. Oh Fabrizio, how lovely a concert here. I would love to join you. It's a beautiful place.

  2. Wow!!! May I dine there and hear the concert with you? Your shot gives a wonderful feel of the height and beauty of the room.
    Seattle Daily Photo

  3. quando visito il tuo blog, sempre trovo parte di Torino che non ha visto. Forse, visitremmo ancora....

  4. Palazzo Madama e' bellissimo, Fabrizio. E' una vita che non ci entro ma ci andro' sicuramente la prossima volta che saro' a Torino. Grazie di avermelo ricordato. Cari saluti. A.

  5. The ceiling is magnificent.

  6. Oh wow, that is a fabulous room! The ceiling is magnificent and the sculptures around the room looks so interesting. It must be wonderful to attend any kind of event there!

  7. wwow! amazing! love it.

    thanks for stopping by, btw.

  8. a perfect setting for dinner & a concert! Beautiful!

  9. come si dice "breathtaking" in italiano? perché lo è:)

  10. What a truly amazing room. Majestic. What a ceiling! And what a shot - I can't imagine being able to get that height and width - everything into one shot. Great lens and pretty neat photographer, Fabrizio!

  11. It's gorgeous!

    calzetteros(s)e - you can say "ti toglie il fiato"

  12. Just walking into the room must be an event in itself. How delightful to hear good music while surrounded by beauty of another genre. Lucky you!!


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