Wednesday, January 7, 2009


After frozen... Snow. It is still snowing and forecast say that today will go on.

Dopo il gelo... La neve. Sta ancora nevicando e le previsioni dicono che oggi continua.
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  1. How beautiful and so very peaceful. I am wondering where you were when you took this lovely photo.

  2. La neve รจ bella scena, ma io preferisco il ghiaccio scena di ieri.

  3. Hi Fabrizio, it's been a while since I have done any blog visiting, and it has been fun returning and enjoying your winter wonderland, as well as those fabulous light displays. Congratulations on your 2nd Anniversary on this have certainly done Torino proud!

  4. Beautiful without snow. And beautiful with it!

  5. Ciao Fabrizio, quanta neve!!! Dalle mie parti sembra ancora di piu'...sulle colline in certi punti ci sono 60 cm!!! Qui in Old England neppure un filino...A.

  6. Anche qui a Milano la neve non scherza!

  7. You sure got alot of it! It's beautiful when you don't have anywhere you need to go and can sit next to the fire and watch it through the window :)

  8. Sorry I missed your 2nd birthday party :)

    It looks like you have lots of snow - actually Glasgow has none at all (I'm not complaining, although it's nice for the photos!).

  9. Lucky!

    I just noticed the the thumbnail of your photo looks like a tyre track in the snow, with the shapes of the cars set at right angles to the central 'tread'. Was that in your mind when you took the shot? If not it was a happy coincidence.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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