Friday, January 9, 2009

Luci d'Artista 2008

Piazzetta Carlo Mollino... This is the last Luci d'Artista in Torino DP this year and also the last photo for a couple of weeks because Torino DP (fab) is going in holiday !!!! I will be back on 26th of January --- Ciao !

Piazzetta Carlo Mollino... Questa è l'ultima foto di Luci d'Artista su Torino per quest'anno e anche l'ultima foto per una quindicina di giorni perché Torino DP (ovvero Fab) va in vacanza !!!! Sarà di ritorno il prossimo 26 Gennaio --- Ciao !

Luci d'Artista @ piazzetta Mollino

9- Luigi Nervo: Solar Wind - Vento Solare
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  1. Have a great time and stop by to check in every once in awhile.

  2. Have a great holiday. We will miss you and Torino! Ciao. Antonella

  3. What a marvellous imagine.

    Bon voyage, Fabrizio. Have a great time and looking forward to your return.

  4. You shall be missed. But in the mean time maybe we can take a look at some of your older pictures. Have a great holiday Fabrizio! And maybe bring back some pictures?

  5. Have a great holiday! As Marc says, time for us to look at older pictures. That's the thing with these one a day-ish blogs, they go so fast that browsing back through the months is difficult to keep up with. I'd love to have more time to look back over the several years that people have been posting.

  6. Gorgeous parting shot before your holiday. Lucky you. Hope you share some photos with us when you return.
    Have a great time!

  7. Hi Fab,
    Another great shot of you. How are you doing? Long time...Happy new year....

  8. Beautiful photo, Fabrizio!! Have a great holiday.

  9. Hope you are having a great holiday. Missing you anyway. Left you an award on my blog on the 9th January. Ciao. A.

  10. Aspetto con ansia il tuo ritorno! Va beh, non proprio mi mancano le tue foto belle! Buona vacanza!

  11. Grazie! Sei stato il primo a farmi gli auguri :)
    Ricambio augurandoti che la tua vacanza prosegua stupendamente anche nel weekend!
    Un saluto speciale a Maetto da parte mia e del suo simile: Cayú.

  12. I see that UFO rages in the streets of Turin :)

  13. Well, I'm back. I didn't have wonderful weather but, you know, holidays are holidays so I definitely had great time :-) --- Impossible to say "thank you" to each of you, but you made my day with your wonderful comments.

    Thank you so much !!!


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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