Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Via Garibaldi - Farmacia

Another very old pharmacy (or chemist's shop?). This one it's "Farmacia Chimica - Tullio Bosio" established in 1715 (reading the Roman date on the top of each window) in via Garibaldi !!! - Tomorrow: inside :-)

Un'altra farmacia molto antica. Questa è la "Farmacia Chimica - Tullio Bosio" fondata nel 1715 (leggendo la data in numeri Romani in cima ad ogni finestra) in via Garibaldi !!! - Domani: l'interno :-)
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  1. The facade of the building is a work of art in itself. Italy constantly surprises me with art which seems to be so much a part of its daily life.

  2. Fabrizio, If I were shooting photos with you I would have stopped right here to take lots of photos. I am happy to go inside with you tomorrow!!!

  3. I love it. Cool old buildings make me happy. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of truly older buildings here in the U.S. Thanks.

  4. Oh wow, what history! The facade is fantastic! Even the little balcony rails above. I'm looking forward to the interior.

    Don't forget to register for the January theme day! And the February 2009 theme poll is up! Please vote if you haven't already :)

  5. Such beauty! What a facade. How privileged people are to be able to buy everyday pharmaceutical items in a place like this. Look forward to tomorrow.

  6. This a beautiful façade! What a gorgeous farmacia!

  7. How very ornate! I have been in a chemist's in Via Po, that had lovely dark wood counters and glass cases. But the facade was nothing like as splendid as this.

  8. Exquisite facade! Can't wait to see what's inside.

  9. It is incredible! Thank you for sharing :)


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