Thursday, December 11, 2008

Via Garibaldi - Farmacia 1

As promised yesterday I go to show you the old pharmacy about it looks inside...

Come promesso ieri vado a mostrare, della vecchia Farmacia, il suo interno...
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  1. What an impressive pharmacy Fabrizio, even the woman shopping matches! Love those cabinets, beautiful!

  2. This is a beautiful shop. I wish our pharmacies were as lovely here.. Sigh. Guess I will just have to come to Visit to see it all!

  3. Beautiful dark wood, that wonderful ceiling. It's worth getting sick to enter this shop and buy...

  4. Such an elegant looking pharmacy! Wow.

  5. This is adorable. If only we could smell the wonderful aromas in there too. A real slice of yesteryear.

  6. A vaulted ceiling in a chemist's shop!

  7. It's lovely. Are you getting hit by the floods in Italy?

  8. Thank you a lot of your comments and for visiting my blog.

    @altadenahiker, a bit yes but not in Torino. The situation has been bad in Rome but actually it seems better. Thank you for asking :-)

  9. Stunning architecture even in the pharmacy.


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