Monday, December 1, 2008

Theme Day: Circles / Spheres

Et voilà: blue circles in the sky around the church and a... sphere - corbeille of flowers beside the entry. This is Santa Maria del Monte's Church on the top of Monte dei Cappuccini: hill of Torino -- Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

Et voilà: cerchi blu nel cielo attorno alla chiesa e una... sfera - corbeille di fiori all'ingresso. Questa è la chiesa di Santa Maria del Monte sulla cime del Monte dei Cappuccini: collina di Torino -- Cliccate qui per vedere le icone di tutti i partecipant al Tema del Giorno
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  1. This is so unusual . . . it's a visual puzzle and great post for theme day.

  2. Including the petunias was a stroke of genius!

  3. Beautiful photo. I assume the circles are Christmas decorations?

  4. Fabrizio, we must talk about the color. A little Photoshop razzle dazzle or was it shot with available light and you got this fab color. Either way it's a wonderful , colorful shot my friend!!!
    Don't forget my BW photo you promised.

  5. I also wondered about the blue circles...are they Christmas decorations? This photo is very magical and mysterious at the same time. Perfect for theme day!

  6. It looks like a ticket to the Moon!

    Questa foto e' veramente stupenda. Bravo :)

  7. Una bellissima foto!! I like it very much indeed! Bravo!

  8. Magical and beautiful. Perfect for theme day. Bravo!

  9. Fabrizio, you take better photos of the 'Luci d'artista' than the official photographers. Spectacular. I love them.

  10. Great choice. I guessed you might use some of Torino's marvellous decorations. Fabulous.

  11. I love this picture! Great Shot!

  12. Guarda bene, ma è la combinazione di illuminazione moderna inizia con la vecchia architettura mi hanno sostenuto. Eppure io amo, ma meglio non diventare troppo popolare. Come tutto alla rinfusa - cessa di essere divertente.
    (google translate)

  13. This is cosmic photo---and beautiful too!

  14. Totally wonderful, Fabrizio! You keep on surpassing yourself. This image will stay with me for a long time.

  15. Ahhh I'm in a dream! Love this Fabrizio, the color combo is awesome! Happy Theme Day :)

  16. Bellissimo, sembra un'osservatorio o una nave spaziale molto elegante. Il blu e' davvero da sogno. Ciao. Antonella

  17. Bel blog e bellissime foto. Molto interessante, ragion per cui non dovrò tornarci troppo spesso per mantenere in piedi almeno un minimo di autostima. Saluti con rimpianto

  18. Well, I've been busy a couple of days. Next days I will thank and visit each of you. In the meantime: yes those blue light and main blue lights are Christmad decoration and No, I didn't use Photoshop except to lit up a bit flowers. ---

    Thank you very much for visiting Torino DP !!!

  19. This is my absolute favorite for Theme Day. It is just amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  20. This has to be one of my favourite colours Fabrizio - violet! What a fabulous photo!


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