Saturday, November 29, 2008

Luci d'Artista 2008

This is the covered area of Porta Palazzo market. Porta Palazzo is also the widest open market in Europe. --- Happy weekend to everyone !!!

Questa è la parte coperta del mercato di Porta Palazzo. Porta Palazzo è altresì la più vasta area mercatale aperta d'Europa. --- Buon fine settimana a tutti !!!

Luci d'Artista @ Porta Palazzo

5 - Michelangelo Pistoletto: Love Differences - Amare le differenze
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  1. So tell us what we can shop for here Fabrizio! We must know so when we visit we can be prepared. Looks pretty swanky!

  2. So colorful and pretty!

    The largest in Europe? Wow. I've the same question as Virginia. ;)

    Have a great weekend too!

  3. Che esplosione di luci! Davvero molto bella! Buon fine settimana!

  4. Great series on the Luci d'artista. Now I need to go out and discover them 'dal vivo'. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. Oh my goodness, I love these colors Fabrizio! Magnificent!

  6. Quel camion rosso è proprio la ciliegia di questa bellissima foto!

  7. whoa! currently, i am obsessed with colour and light! this photo is very, very cool! perfect blend of colour and light and it still show off the detail in the building!! well done... sj

  8. Your Luci d'Artista series is like a box of exquisite sweets that you unwrap to reveal a new delight each day!

  9. i like yours last night photo
    But this one is soo colored

  10. The bold stripes of neon light are extremely eye catching.

  11. Viginia and Hilda Uhmm first of all there are three differents markets. Food market and everything-market but what I think you could like most is the antiques market also plenty of strange and dismissed things. It's called "Baloon" (English pronounce) and it look like Portobello in London or Marché au Puces in Paris.

    Thank you to everyone of you !!!

  12. Ah, ci siamo... quasi... al Balùn !

    Ti ho già detto, TO + Luci d'Artista = absolutely great.


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