Saturday, September 20, 2008

Piazza Vittorio and via Po

This photo has been taken on the corner between Piazza Vittorio and via Po. To understand better what I mean you can look at HERE the big square and the via Po beginning in a sort of aerial view

Questa immagine è stata colta sull'angolo tra Piazza Vittorio e via Po. Per meglio comprendere ciò che intendo potete dare un'occhiata QUI: la piazza e via Po in una sorta di immagine colta al volo.
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  1. beautiful night shot, i love the sweeping view of the pale building against the dark sky

  2. Yes, this is another beautiful night shot. You're so good at it, Fabrizio! I enjoyed seeing the square in your link, and it does give it perspective.

  3. I used to think Brassai was my favorite night photographer, but your shots lately have made me reconsider! This is absolutely beautiful, Fabrizio. Thank you!

  4. I could look at your night shots forever, Fabrizio. This is so beautiful and I know that corner...happy memories.

  5. I love your night shots too! The composition of this one is fabulous!

  6. Thanks for the aerial shot which gave us perspective. This is just a b eautiful capture. I wish I lived closer so I could tag along on your night shoots.

  7. Okay, you sold me on your city a long time ago, Fabrizio. Now you're just rubbing it in. ;-)Torino is truly a visual delight in the day or night. It is a definite destination spot on my list of gorgeous places to see in Europe one day. Ciao for now!

  8. The building is huge and if the van was not there I wouldn't know that. Nice shot.

  9. Your night shots always pull me in — they're always gorgeous.

    I like how this building curves on this end. Must be a lovely place to dine or have a cup of coffee at night.

  10. Una foto molto bella, mi piace l'effetto tra il buio e la luce sotto gli archi.


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