Friday, September 19, 2008

Piazza Maria Teresa 1

This is one of my preferred square. Especially in August when it's empty of cars that usually are parked there and especially in Fall when fog and that misty weather make it so special at my eyes..

Questa è una delle mie piazze preferite. Specialmente in Agosto quando non vi sono le auto che di norma son parcheggiate là e specialmente in Autunno quando la nebbia e il tempo brumoso la rendono così speciale ai miei occhi.
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  1. Fabrizio, do you sleep? I am thinking you stay out and capture these wonderful night shots for all of us. Lovely. Please stop by my blog tomorrow. I am showing a little Italy in Birmingham. Take a bow!:)

  2. Aw this is nice. I think I hear a solitary sax playing a distant melody in the mist.

  3. I'm with Coltrane... I can imagine hearing a saxaphone coming from somewhere nearby, and the sound of footsteps around the corner.

    Beautiful shot. I want to take a walk there!

  4. E' anche una delle mie piazze preferite! Un volta, dall'altra parte della piazza, c'era un bar, il Guglielmo Pepe, che a suo modo fece scuola: fu il primo (o uno dei primi) a diffondere in città la moda dei dehors. Chissà se c'è ancora...

  5. It's a little spooky out there! Are there any ghosts?

  6. It's just so nice to see a beautiful saqure free of cars.

  7. I got lost one day a lot of years ago... I was 15 or something... and I thought that this place could have been anywhere else but in Turin... this is one of my favourite places!
    When some of my friends come here to visit Turin this is one of the first place where I take them!

  8. :o) I have been living in Piazzetta Maria Teresa for 10 years and every time I see it (which is several times a day) I still think it's gorgeous ... any time of the year it has its own character and mood which changes according to the seasons! it's so nice to hear that there are foreigners who appreciate it too!!!
    I read that it has been planned on a London Square, but I can't find the name of the Square, I often go to London and I would like to see it... Does anybody know it?


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