Friday, August 29, 2008

Porta Nuova 1

Time ago, on 2nd of December 2007 I published THIS photo about Porta Nuova the main railways station of Torino. Unfortunately now they are working inside and outside for renewing and cleaning it, by the way I am quite sure you can get the Art Nouveau style.

Tempo fa, il 27 di dicembre 2007, pubblicai QUESTA fotografia della principale stazione ferroviaria di Torino: Porta Nuova. Sfortunatamente ora sono in esecuzione lavori di manutenzione e rinnovo degli interni ma son certo che non sfugga l'inconfodibile stile Liberty della costruzione.
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  1. What kind of work are they doing? It's such a gorgeous building -- I am very partial to the art deco style.

  2. Well, we shall just have to come as soon as we can to admire it, eh!

    Reminds me of Gare du Nord in Paris.

    Here's my pic of it:

  3. I do love art deco. Hopefrully they are just cleaning and tidying up. It is beautiful in detail.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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