Thursday, July 17, 2008

La Consolata

This is the Consolata's Church. I showed many photo about this Church (cfr. HERE) but never from this angle.

Questa è la Chiesa della Consolata. Ho mostrato molte fotografie di questa Chiesa (cfr. QUI) ma mai da questa angolazione.
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  1. It's soooo beautiful. Bellissimo! Wonderful lighting and contrast in the sky.

  2. Anche sopra la Consolata il BLU continua a dominare il cielo di Torino ;-)

  3. Stunning with the white against the blue. The clouds add such interest.

  4. Beautiful! She looks like she's glowing against that wonderful bottle blue.

  5. Here’s what happens when you wait a couple of hours to see the pope pass by…
    Sydney Daily Photo

    I needed you there to tutor me on how to take photos in the dark!

  6. Great whites & twilight blues, fabrizio.

  7. Everyone seems to comment on the light because the contrast is so superb!!

  8. The azure sky is velvet...and is amazing. This photo POPS!

  9. Splendido blu del cielo sopra la chiesa.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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