Friday, July 18, 2008

The court of Palazzo Carignano

Please take a moment to enlarge the photo and you will see details of walls. More to come...

Per cortesia cliccate sulla foto per poterla ingrandire e osservare il disegno delle pareti prospicienti il cortile. Presto altri dettagli.
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  1. I'm trying to visualize your position when you took this photo. The angle is most interesting!

  2. lovely shot. the detail in the walls are amazing.

  3. Beautiful walls. I like the way you took this picture.

  4. How beautiful. I remember the lesson you taught me about rounded walls - but I'm not positive it was here, but I 'think' it was! Such architecture! Such beauty. And a wonderful photograph.

  5. perfect perspective! you have inspired me, i've been getting lazy with my photos recently, shall remedy that immediately.

  6. you do always have a unique perspective that is always inspiring! I love the details-I enlarged the photo to see.

  7. So glad there will be more to come. The details are lovely and your perspective adds to the drama of this photograph.

  8. Ciao may have missed the subtle tone in my post about the pope. I have no time for ANY popes, other than as anachronistic historical figures!

    FCome and visit me today to see how one of your Torinese compares came to be visiting Sydney - with no jet lag! (even more ludicrous than the pope)


  9. Ciao!! Ho trovato il tuo Blog via FaceBook....
    How wonderful!!!
    Sono nato in Toronto pero i genitori sono Friulani. A Torino sono stato!
    Volevo dire che mi piace molto il tuo blog.
    Spero di fare anch'io qualche foto quest' Estate.


  10. The perspective and composition are wonderful. I feel so small whenlooking at this giant if an image.

  11. I agree with the comments that the perspective & composition is fabulous!
    The building detail is amazing.

  12. You have presented a beautiful building beautifullly!

  13. I think you've earned a gold star for this one, Fabrizio. Can't wait to see the next photos.

  14. la prise de vue et l'angle est d'une grande beauté!!!


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