Tuesday, June 24, 2008

San Giovanni Patrono di Torino

Today is the the patron saint of Torino: San Giovanni Battista on 24th of June. Tradition is to make a great bonfire in Piazza Castello in front of Royal Palace. To have twelve months of luck for the city the top of the bonfire must fall down to the opposite side (the mine side) . There was thousands of people and none really believe to very old beliefs but, funny, who didn't see where the top fell asked to others: "Uhm, ehm did you see to which side it fell?". [BTW it fell to the prosperous side ! ]

Oggi è il Santo Patrono di Torino: San Giovanni Battista al 24 Giugno. Tradizione è fare un grande falò (farò) in Piazza Castello di fronte al Palazzo Reale. Per avere 12 mesi di fortuna per la città la punta del falò deve fadere verso la parte opposta (cioè verso la mia parte). C'erano migliaia di persone e nessuno davvero crede alle vecchie credenze ma curiosamente che non ha visto da che parte la cima fosse caduta, ha chiesto agli altri: "Uhm, ehm, scusi ha mica visto da che parte è caduto?". [E' comunque caduto dal lato che assicura un anno prosperoso ! ]
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  1. That looks like fun. Good shot, too.

  2. Happy feast day! That's a wonderful shot of the bonfire.

    We have lots of small towns and cities named San Juan, so he is also the patron saint. The tradition is to "baptize" everyone who passes through their streets- resulting in some very wet commuters.

    Thank you for the story too. :)

  3. Thank you to everyone about your comments.

  4. Unluckily my train was over an hour late so didn't arrive back in time to see the bonfire. I had been looking forward to it. Heard the fireworks. Oh well, there's always next year.

  5. Very interesting! That a great bonfire and photo.

  6. Good photo..the fire looks pretty hot!

  7. when I clicked on the photo to enlarge it I see all the beautiful details, the bon fire flames, the horses, the shadows on the building, so cool!

  8. Your night shots are really interesting for me. This one is especially nice.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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