Friday, June 27, 2008

Piazza San Carlo

This is the night scene of Piazza San Carlo. You can notice at left the twin churches: Santa Cristina (left) and San Carlo (right). More to come...

Questa è una veduta notturna di Piazza San Carlo. Si possono notare alla sinsitra le due chiese gemelle: Santa Cristina (sinistra) e San Carlo (destra). Segue...

[Thank you "dgali", "Angela" and "Patricia" about your polite reports]
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  1. Gorgeous night shot. The twin churches are very interesting - why the need for 2?

  2. si, proprio come l'ho vista qualche sera fa.

  3. @tash, no, 2 wasn't necessary at all neither one but I hope you will agree that style and design, sometime, go over on what people need. Both go to the pleasure of eyes and soul. Then those curches are two wonderful example of Baroque. May I suggest you to enlarge the pic?

  4. Really beautiful night shot, Fabrizio!


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