Monday, March 3, 2008

Roast Chestnuts

Winter is going and with it roast chestnuts seller. It's lovely just to stay around for smelling that's so nice scent.

L'inverno se ne sta andando e con esso i venditori di caldarroste. E' una delizia anche solo stare attorno ad essi per senire il loro profumo.
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  1. I love the brick streets. Nice picture.

  2. I like the "man at work" shot :-)
    He looks like he has been doing it for years - I wonder what he does in the summer?

  3. Very nice photograph, Fabrizio. I also have not tasted a roasted chestnut in many years.

  4. Ma non vorrei errare. A Roma due o tre anni fa vidi tali venditori in pieno centro nei mesi di luglio e agosto. Essendo a Roma praticamente tutti i giorni la cosa mi sembrò infatti piuttosto strana. Purtroppo l'inverno ci sta mollando e "la mia" neve sta per mollare il passo al calduccio. Sfrutto le ultime sciate, anche se son due anni che l'inverno (perlomeno qui da noi, non so a Turin) è praticamente una chimera. Ciao Fabrizio P.s. a breve ti manderò una mail che vorrei parlarti di una cosa cui mi farebbe gran piacere se partecipassi ;)

  5. Thank you very much to everyone.

    @Lewis, they are my preferred too

    @Nikon, your question is mine. I simply don't know and I am afraid he doesn't makes so much money with roast chestnuts to live at Bahamas all the Summer...

    @Simo, no: sabato 23.

    @Luca, attendo dunque tue nuove !

  6. Maybe he sells ice-cream in Florida in the summer? ;-)

  7. Today I saw about 4 chestnuts sellers downtown but they have diferent way of roasting it. I wil try to post one photo before the disapear.
    Just for curiosity: here they sel 12 for 2€, what about there?

  8. @isabella, who knows? Maybe you're in right and we have him in common (I know him, you know him = we know each other = syllogism)

    @UmaPorDia, this is a good question. I don't know but I promise you that if I see hm again I'll ask --- Simo, tu ne hai idea?

  9. When I was a child I remember many large, stately chestnut trees, but I haven't seen one in many years now. I'd love to have some roasted chestnuts.

  10. that must smell wonderful--and it's nice that you took his photo--i like seeing people too

  11. I love roasted chestnuts. We have them on the street in NYC but I've seen them in Paris and Switzerland too. Glad to see Italy is another place that sells this wonderful snack.


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