Sunday, March 2, 2008

The fog, the hill and canoeing

Canoeing while sun, pale, is coming out from fog and Cappuccini on the right are appearing

Vogando mentre il sole, pallido, fa capolino nella nebbia e i Cappuccini vanno apparendo sulla destra.
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  1. beautiful scene, looks very peaceful

  2. Beautiful scene with the fog and the water

  3. I agree, beautiful!
    I like your placement, too; looking right up the river but buildings to the right & off in the distance.

  4. Una bella immagine, impreziosita dall'atmosfera rarefatta.

  5. the presence of the canoeists makes this picture - their clear image sailing down towards the emerging bridge.

    I thought cappuccini was frothy coffee but I followed the links and was enlighted - pardon my sacriligeous thoughts.

  6. This is a beautiful photograph. I think I am in love with your river.

  7. bei ricordi, mi allenavo proprio li' al caprera!


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