Monday, March 31, 2008

La rampa del Lingotto

This is the first photo of a series I took at Lingotto. Lingotto was the name of the Fiat's Factory designed by Giacomo Mattè Trucco and built from 1916 to 1922. This photo shows the ramp to go on the rooftop of the building where they tested cars. Please click --> HERE to see an aerial view of the building and better understand what I mean about the roof top test track.

Questa è la prima di alcune immagini che ho scattato al Lingotto. Lingotto era il nome dello stabilimento Fiat disegnato da Giacomo Mattè Trucco e costruito dal 1916 al 1922. Questa foto mostra la rampa di salita al tetto del palazzo dove usavano provare le vetture. Per cortesia cliccate --> QUI per vedere una vista aerea del palazzo e meglio comprendere cosa intendo per pista di prova sul tetto.
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  1. A superb photo as always and very interesting too!

  2. wow! incredible!
    lovely perspective for your photo too!

  3. Very atmospheric - a beautiful photograph of an unusual building.

  4. Great photo as usual. I'm curious, though, in the aerial photo there is an upside down red "U" shape in the bottom foreground. What is that?

  5. They did not let you test any cars, did they? We all know what a speed demon you are ;-)

  6. The indoor shot is beautiful with that great perspective.
    The roof view is amazing - I'll bet it got a bit warm up there, though :)

  7. I always thought it was a fantastic idea - test track on the roof. Is the building now "re-purposed" as they say? If so I think it's a great idea, and the interior is springy and light - quite modern looking

  8. Yes Richard, they did it (by Renzo Piano btw).

    Chuck, Open THIS link in a beew window and you will see a selection by that arch (it's an arch in fact)

  9. I was forgetting, Isabella you're not so far from truth ;-)


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