Saturday, March 8, 2008

International Women's Day 2008

March 8th 2008 - International Women's Day

8 Marzo 2008 - Giornata Internazionale della Donna

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  1. Nice picture, I have some special effects on my photo for March 7th, too!

  2. wow this is so awesome, i love this shot

  3. How could I have missed this one?? In previous years I'd be standing on a corner with a placard, celebrating the female species. Getting older has its privileges, like sitting on a beach and turning over social consciousness to the next generation! Love the splash of colour on this future woman!!

  4. Well like Kate I had absolutely no idea today is International Women's Day. Thanks for the reminder. I will try and work my posts around it and include it. Love this photo. Love that you've picked out the beautiful little girl in colour. Well done.

  5. Fabrizio - you so inspired me today, I've posted some little girls - totally copying you (which is a compliment, dear man) - and I've linked Menton Daily Photo to Torino DP.

  6. Nice effect there! And great children photo!

  7. grazie di aver pensato alle donne.....che bella foto !!!
    sai come far uscire una rosa dal grigio...congratulazioni..

  8. I love this post. Nice work.

  9. Thank you for celebrating my species, Fabrizio ;-)

  10. Foto come sempre stupenda Fabrizio. Più che altro carica di significato. Poi una nota circa questa ricorrenza: se penso all'origine, al fattore scatenante di questa "festa" e a come oggi venga vissuta e distorta da molte donne grazie a questa società complice e artefice, beh, mi deprimo. Un caro saluto, Luke ho cinque minuti di tempo ti scrivo una mail

  11. Beautiful how you achieved this special effect!


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