Sunday, March 9, 2008

Balloons at Torino

The joy of the children: Balloons. Here with Mole in the background. Have a nice Sunday !

La gioia dei bambini: i Palloni. Qui con la Mole sullo sfondo. Buona Domenica !


  1. I think that there is a problem with this photo.

  2. I can't see your picture :(

  3. Thank you very much. Since yesterday in fact Bologger (here) has much more than one problem. Now I think to have fixed it.

  4. Nice colors! :o)

    Io vado al corso di italiano, e parlo un po' l'italiano. ;o) So I like your blog very much, not only because of your great pictures, but because you write in both english and italian too. In that way I can learn a little bit more of the language. :o)

  5. Beautiful bright colors in the foreground & nice placement with the Mole in the background :-)
    It looks very sunny & warm, too.

  6. @ Stormel, I'm happy you like my blog. And yes, sometime I asked myself if to go on to write captions in both languages, but some people told me it helps to learn italian. Abput your class I'd be happy to help you. If would like to write to me in Italian (or to ask me in English something concerning italian), you may do it at

    @Nikon, Thank you Paul. I took this photo fifteen days ago and yes, you're in right was really warm ! The first day of Spring

  7. i love the contrast between the balloon and the building :)

  8. I love balloons.

    And I've been viewing your blog a while now just never summoned the courage to comment..but I like it alot and your photography is brilliant and cheers me up.

    Good job, keep it up.


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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