Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Theme day: best photo of the year

Among several night photos I choose this one I took last January. This is The Torino Cathedral taken in foggy early morning. In its crypt there is what people call "The Holy Shroud". Click HERE to be direct to original post. Another time: Happy New Year to everyone.

Fra centinaia di fotografie notturne scelgo questa che scattai lo scorso Gennaio. Questo è il Duomo di Torino fotografato di prima mattina con la nebbia. Nella sua cripta è conservata la Sacra Sindone. Cliccate QUI per essere diretti al post originale. Ancora una volta: Buon Anno a tutti.

Today, like every first of the month, is a City Daily Photo theme day. 118 City Daily Photo bloggers have also posted their best photo of the year. Please pay them a visit (but keep in mind that due to time differences all photos don't show at the same time).
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  1. Lovely! Love that street lantern, too!

    Happy New Year, Fabrizio!

  2. Wow - stunning photo. An Excellent choice for your best photo of 2007

    Happy New Year

  3. Great choice for the best photo of the year. Very misty feel. Nice ;-)

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year from Singapore!

  4. You have so many excellent photos it must have been hard to choose. You included a memorable photo!

  5. Beautiful, atmospheric photo, Fabrizio. Just perfect!!
    Happy New Year!

  6. Love the B&W photo. Best wishes & Happy New Year!

  7. I remember this from when you first posted it - loved it then and it is a great choice for photo of the year.

    I'm sorry you registered just a little too late to be included on my list of theme participents [sorted into the date they started their blogs]

    Happy new year.

  8. A beautiful and atmospheric photograph, Fabrizio.

    And thankyou for your comment on Menton yesterday - about Roquebrune village and your memories of it. So moving.

    Wishing you a very happy New Year, Fabrizio - with another 365 great photos.

  9. I do like your photography selection today.

    Thanks for your visits to my blog in 2007 and I hope and pray you have excellent health and are very happy all the days of your life but especially in this new year 2008.

    Happy New Year from Patty and me.

  10. wonderful shot, and perfect in B&W! Happy New Year

  11. Beautiful- it almost looks like it was shot in infrared!

    Happy new year!

  12. cette cathédrale en B&W est magnifique. Mes meilleurs voeux en cette année 2008.
    This cathedral in B&W is magnificent. My best wishes in the year 2008.

  13. Excellent choice, Happy New Year!

  14. un foto magnifico, specialmente la nebbia. Molto atmosferico! Oggi in Edinburgo e molto nebbia

  15. beautiful black and white.

    Hope you have a great "New Year". From West Sacramento Photo of the Day.

  16. A tough choice to make, all are excellent. Fabulous black and white photo! I wish you a happy and safe new year.

  17. Vi invidio alla follia: sono mesi che con il mio blog 'cittadino' http://perugiablog.blogspot.com/ sto cercando persone che scrivano su altri Blog cittadini ed ecco qui Voi, che a quanto pare lo fate da anni... non è giusto!! Comunque, se vuoi io cerco sempre persone per scambiare i reciproci links.

  18. Bravo, c'est une très belle photo. Thank you for taking part in the City Daily Photo community, I know it's very time consuming. Bonne année de Paris.

    Buon Anno!

  19. Always a pleasure to visit. Have a great New Year.

  20. A stunning photo for your choice......Happy New Year!

  21. Beautiful, atmospheric shot - lovely!

    Happy New Year to you and yours and here's to a wonderful 2008 for the Daily City Photo Blog community.

    Jenny, Sharon (CT, USA) Daily Photo

  22. This is the first B&W photo I have seen chosen as a best of the year. Very nice choice, a refreshing image.

    Happy New Year from the frozen winter wonderland of Minneapolis!

    May 2008 bring you good health & happiness,
    - Mitch

  23. And you managed to pick a favorite among all your great pics? Congrats! This one is very pretty, very elegant with the b&w.
    Buon anno from New York City! May 2008 bring you lots of satisfaction and happiness.

  24. Great choice for this foggy picture and happy new year also.

  25. I suppose that it is very hard to choose the best from your great photos! Every your photo is the best!

    Happy new year from Tokyo

  26. Beautiful picture, Fabrizio!


  27. wonderful mood!
    have a nice 2008, Fabrizio!

  28. Great B&W photo.
    Happy new year and long life to your blog.

  29. Awesome choice!

    Happy New Years to you and yours in 2008!

    Twin Cities Daily Photo

  30. Beautiful choice for the theme.
    Happy new year 2008.
    Wish you all the best!


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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