Sunday, December 2, 2007

Porta Nuova

Porta Nuova (Literally: New Door) it's at the monet the main railways station of Torino (in a bad shot taken quickly yesterday. Of course that I'll redo better in future). It's another superb example of Art Nouveau (Liberty) so easy to find in Torino. IF you click HERE you will get all time I showed Liberty in Torino. I said "At the moment" because they're building the new one but I'll tell you better about this next time.

Porta Nuova è attualmente la principale stazione ferroviaria di Torino (in una foto non eccellente presa ieri di fretta che rifarò di certo). E' un altro stupendo esempio di Art Nouveau (Liberty) così facile da trovare in Torino. Cliccando QUI si ottengono i vari post nei quali ho mostrato il Liberty a Torino. Ho detto "attualmente" perché è in corso la costruzione della nuova stazione principale ma, di questo, dirò meglio in futuro.
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  1. Fabrizio, even your "bad" shots are great, I really liked the tone and energy in this photo...

  2. I really prefer the old-fashioned railway stations because of the architecture. They're full of character.

  3. I love this one, the B&W and the gloomy grey sky really sets the mood.
    It looks like it could have been taken in the fifties to me - maybe it's the older style tram.

  4. The black and white made this a good photo. It captured the mood of the moment.

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