Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Palazzo Carignano Wide

I showed many time Palazzo Carignano but this is the first shot (taken last September) able to show the ensemble. It's a remarkable building in baroque style designed by Guarino Guarini around 1680. It was the first Italian Parliament during monarchy and when Torino was Capital of Italy.

Ho mostrato molte volte Palazzo Carignano ma questa รจ la prima fotografia (scattata lo scorso Settembre) capace di mostarlo nel suo insieme. E' una costruzione notevole in stile barocco disegnata da Guarino Guarini attorno al 1680. Fu sede del Primo Parlamento durante la monarchia quando Torino era Capitale d'Italia.
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  1. You have done a fine job taking this photograph. I like it very much.

    I have been busy lately adding new segments to my website. I just added horses.

  2. Again, the play of light and dark is fascinating. Yes, it is a beautiful building--I agree!

  3. Beautiful building - right down to the paving stones in the plaza.

  4. Niiiice! Do you know what's going on with the blue blocks there?


Torino was the first Capital of Italy, the city that hosted XX Olympic and IX Paralympic Winter Games and Torino Daily Photo is the first photo blog of the city --- I am sorry but due the spam comments, anonymous users are not allowed...

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